Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Reverence is Homage Paid....
Message from Our Savior Jesus Christ to Linda on Long Island, NY, USA of November 25, 2024

Overnight, I could hear Him urging me to write His words down….
Children of My Sacred Heart, I have given you a reprieve. It is but a short one, but it is because of your ardent prayers that I have provided you this mercy. My mercy is a gift.
Beloved Children, I weep for you as My Father wept for Me as My blood gushed forward for your salvation.
My Beloved Children, you request much and give Me so little. It is My BIG love for you that intercedes within My Sacred Heart. My Heart softens and to hear your prayers lightens My grief.
Do not take this reprieve for granted. This world is in a sorry state, and that has not changed. Pray, My Children. Pray, for your prayers mean everything to Me, and I shall move mountains by your prayers. I shall reverse the tides of the ocean and rearrange the stars above you. Such is My Love, and such is the power of your faithfulness.
Beloved Children, I weep at the irreverence in My House. I am treated so meanly in the hands of Man. The Consecrated Host that I am must not be mishandled so freely or willfully or without thought. I am the One True God and your salvation is in Me. I am your Lord and King. How will you stand before Me when you have treated Me so carelessly. There is no reverence in My Church. Bring your reverence for Me back to My Church. It is My Loving Home that I open to you. Your Host waits for you impatiently, and when you come to My Home, greet your Eternal Host with gladness and reverence and adoration. For I am your Savior who Loves you so deeply and yearns for your Love.
This reverence is homage paid to your Loving Lord who has died for you that you may live.
Oh Children, I weep. If you were to understand the great blessings I bestow upon you when My Consecrated Self is given to you to consume. The blessings I give are unimaginable to Man, because you do not know Me. How I long for you to know Me. Be dedicated in your prayers. Pray and speak to Me in your every breath, and I will reveal Myself to you. I am with you always, and I do not move away from your Hearts. It is My Beloved Children who stray from their Loving Parent.
Oh, Children of My Sacred Heart, this reprieve is short. It is short, because prayer is staid. My Children, I say to you, pray and teach and urge others to pray. Do not be fooled by this temporary reprieve or amnesty. My Children must become obedient to My Words. All that I do and allow is for Love of each of you. Each joy and every tragedy give you reason to follow Me and to garner strength from Me.
My Father in Heaven wept as I suffered in My Humanity. He wept and the Angels of Heaven wept to see their King befouled or desecrated. I suffered that you should be saved. When you suffer, remember that I suffered before you and for you and suffer with you. Yes, My Beloveds, I am always with you, and as you suffer, I weep for you and suffer with you.
Children of My Sacred Heart, stay close to Me. Be My obedient Children and come to Me always. Come to Me with your joys and triumphs, and come to Me in your sadness and disappointment. This world will disappoint and betray you, but My Love never shall. My Love does not decrease but grows with your every breath. You are My Beloved Treasures, and who will willingly part with such treasure?
Children of My Sacred Heart, pray and do not worship idols or persons. Even those who you think are good will betray you or fail. Do not worship the new President (of the U.S.). He is your reprieve, but he is not your God. Do not worship him or follow him blindly. I am the One True God, and it is only through Me that you are saved. He does not save you but provides only a reprieve to the decimation that comes.
Belove Children, My Sacred Heart will triumph. It is through My Eternal and Beloved Mother that the dragon of this world will be slayed. Take heart in this knowledge and be faithful to Her Love as you are with Mine.
Oh, Children, do not fret about your daily lives. Look to the Eternal Life you will have, and this world and its concerns crumble before your eyes. The things that you think are important, the worries that hound you each hour, these things are nothing. Come into My Heart as a faithful child, and you shall have rest from these consuming worries.
Rest in My Sacred Heart, and your sorrows turn into joy. Your trust in My Love brings you joy, peace, obedience, and Eternal Life. Children, I do not ask for much. I ask for your Love. And when you Love, you do not cause pain. When you Love, your Beloved is everything to you. You long to be in their Presence. You long to make them joyful. You do all things to make them happy. You protect your Beloved and you hold them close. I ask this of you.
And know to the depths of your Souls that you are My Beloveds, and My Love is beyond your understanding. I give to you a taste and you swoon with joy.
Beloved Children, remember My Words. Remember, pray. Pray always in your every thought and every word. Love one another, and teach My Children about My Great Love and the absolute blessings of the Eucharist - My Gift conceived by Me and through My Father by the Spirt.
My Beloveds, I give to you My Peace. Trust in Me. Trust in My Love. Trust in My Salvation.
Source: ➥